Cover Cali sputtering

As Bob pointed out last month, The Golden State's health exchange (Covered California) continues to burn through tax-payer dollars at an alarming rate. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if, say, they had something - anything, really - to show for it.

But alas:

"After using most of $1 billion in federal start-up money, California's Obamacare exchange is preparing to go on a diet"

And why is that?

Well, it's actually pretty simple:

"[A] reduced forecast calling for 2016 enrollment of fewer than 1.5 million people."

You'll recall, of course, that the primary purpose of The ObamaTax was to increase the roles of the insured. Adding insult to injury, that pesky first 'A' in PPACA continues to remain out of reach, even with subsidies:

"[H]ealth policy experts said that some uninsured folks still find health insurance unaffordable"

The problem, of course, is that folks who qualify for subsidies still find it difficult to come up with the scratch to cover mega out-of-pocket maximums, and that's when they're successful even finding a provider who takes ObamaPlans.

So, the state is tightening its metaphorical belt:
• Spend $58 million less compared with the current fiscal year, a 15% reduction.

• Devote the largest portion, $121.5 million, to outreach, sales and marketing. That's down 33% from the current year.

• Maintain the monthly $13.95 fee for each individual policyholder, which would raise $233.2 million in revenue.
I find #2 to be the most ludicrous: sell all you want, if folks can't afford what you're selling, well...

So, who's next?
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Cover Cali sputtering
Cover Cali sputtering
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5