Um, about that 3000% decrease

Stupid Carrier Tricks, Beginner Level version [UPDATED]

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Cavalcade of Risk #218: Call for submissions

We Choose Not to Play

Lost and (Not) Found

Adult Autism and The ObamaTax

L'Shannah Tova: 5775

If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad - Part II

ObamaCare Fail in 1,000 Words

Sinking ship, MVNHS©-style

RTF Subsidy Q

Essential Re-Calculating

Of Gas Lines and Med's


Exchanges, Carriers and Ch-ch-changes

Cavalcade of Risk #217 is up!‏

Champions? Are You Serious?

La plus ca change,

It's a dog eat dog (insurance) world

Life is short...

If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad

Obamacare 2.0, Outlook Not So Good

Observable results

Lyin' liars gonna lie...

Cavalcade of Risk #217: Call for submissions

Get a Life!

Health Wonk Review is up.... the Sequel

Want to Save 25% on Obamacare Insurance?

Calling a Spade a Spade, Well, Almost