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Archives for September 2014
Um, about that 3000% decrease
Stupid Carrier Tricks, Beginner Level version [UPDATED]
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Cavalcade of Risk #218: Call for submissions
We Choose Not to Play
Lost and (Not) Found
Adult Autism and The ObamaTax
L'Shannah Tova: 5775
If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad - Part II
ObamaCare Fail in 1,000 Words
Sinking ship, MVNHS©-style
RTF Subsidy Q
Essential Re-Calculating
Of Gas Lines and Med's
Exchanges, Carriers and Ch-ch-changes
Cavalcade of Risk #217 is up!
Champions? Are You Serious?
La plus ca change, 404Care.gov-style
It's a dog eat dog (insurance) world
Life is short...
If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad
Obamacare 2.0, Outlook Not So Good
Observable results
Lyin' liars gonna lie...
Cavalcade of Risk #217: Call for submissions
Get a Life!
Health Wonk Review is up....
Healthcare.gov the Sequel
Want to Save 25% on Obamacare Insurance?
Calling a Spade a Spade, Well, Almost
Postingan Lebih Baru
Postingan Lama
Blog Archive
Um, about that 3000% decrease
Stupid Carrier Tricks, Beginner Level version [UPD...
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Cavalcade of Risk #218: Call for submissions
We Choose Not to Play
Lost and (Not) Found
Adult Autism and The ObamaTax
L'Shannah Tova: 5775
If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad - Pa...
ObamaCare Fail in 1,000 Words
Sinking ship, MVNHS©-style
RTF Subsidy Q
Essential Re-Calculating
Of Gas Lines and Med's
Exchanges, Carriers and Ch-ch-changes
Cavalcade of Risk #217 is up!
Champions? Are You Serious?
La plus ca change, 404Care.gov-style
It's a dog eat dog (insurance) world
Life is short...
If you like your plan...Well, too bad, so sad
Obamacare 2.0, Outlook Not So Good
Observable results
Lyin' liars gonna lie...
Cavalcade of Risk #217: Call for submissions
Get a Life!
Health Wonk Review is up....
Healthcare.gov the Sequel
Want to Save 25% on Obamacare Insurance?
Calling a Spade a Spade, Well, Almost
An Embarrassment of (Link) Riches
MVNHS© vs Cancer
In case of Emergency...
With chemo you get egg roll?
And Then There is Obamacare
Hacktastic 404Care.gov: Geese and Ganders
Headline Chuckle of the Day…Firm Date for ICD-10 S...
Man Without a Clue
Refusing Government Health Insurance - A Twist
The ObamaTax in 4 Sentences
Who Didn't See This Coming?
Obamacare Windfall for H&R Block
Obamacare Death Panels
Arrested for Refusing Government Health Insurance
Popular Post
Monday Morning Spindle-clearing
In no particular order: ■ Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Biden family on the loss of Beau to brain cancer. The fight against this te...
New Hope for Naughty Navigators?
We've long chronicled the troubled history of the unlicensed, unvetted Navigators ( here for example), but hope may be on the way for p...
Cavalcade of Risk #218 now up
David Williams hosts this week's abbreviated - but meaty - Cavalcade of Risk . From child-proofing your vacay to unique worker's c...
About Those Obamacare Subsidy Calculations ..........
If you are among the millions waiting on 2015 plans and wondering about your premium subsidy, worry no more. The folks at About have broken...
Medicaid Iceberg Ahead
One of the key provisions of Obamacare involves Medicaid expansion. But then SCOTUS through a wrench in the works making expansion optional....
Risky Roundup
■ Last month, we mentioned some of the very positive results that would arise from a Plaintiff's victory in King v Burntwell. Today, Ca...
The 2015 Obamacare open enrollment is less than 2 months away and already some carriers have cold feet and are ready to bail. With less than...
Apples To Oranges? Try Rotten Bananas
Fourth quarter GRANDMOTHERED small employer health insurance renewals have been rolling out. Many of them here in Ohio are in the 7%-15% ran...
30% Sampled Obamacare, Then Said No
As disappointing as the Obamacare enrollment numbers were, it gets worse when you see how many are not keeping their plan. Aetna’s enrollmen...
HIV and Medicare, Even if you Aren't HIV Positive
Should you have to pay for treatment for a condition you don't have? How about Medicare? Would you expect Medicare to pay for treatment...